Hurricane Preparedness & Response for Florida Public Libraries
Improving Florida Public Library Utilization in Community Hurricane Response

This project identifies and provides a forum to discuss key public library roles (their best practices and resources) that aid community and evacuee response to hurricanes.
First Steps to Improving Public Library Hurricane Utilization
- Review what other public libraries do:
- The key roles played;
- Their best practices;
- Available resources.
- Assess library capacity to fulfill potential roles:
- What library currently does;
- Infrastructure needed;
- Staff issues;
- Policies & procedures.
- Understand local disaster response context:
- Local government role;
- Emergency Management & FEMA role and focus;
- Other responder roles.
- Choose public library hurricane roles advised by local government & Emergency Management (EM)
Public Libraries Play Key Roles to Aid Community and Evacuee Hurricane Response
Key disaster roles that public libraries may perform include:
- Offer a Safe Haven
- Provide Normal Service in an abnormal time
- Be a Disaster Recovery Center
- Serve as an Information Hub
- Be a Cultural Organizations Liaison
- Be an Evacuee Resource
- Improvise as needed
Pick a role that your library might play and explore their best practices and resources.