Information Institute Well Represented at ALISE 2011 Conference

The Information Institute announces that Lauren H. Mandel has won the 2011 Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)/Norman Horrocks Leadership Award. This award recognizes a new ALISE member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in professional ALISE activities. At the 2011 ALISE Annual Conference, Jan. 4–7 in San Diego, Ms. Mandel was presented with a certificate and a check for $500. Congratulations, Lauren!
ALISE is a non-profit organization that serves university faculty of graduate programs in library and information science in North America. Its mission is to promote excellence in research, teaching, and service and to provide an understanding of the values and ethos of library and information science.
The ALISE/Norman Horrocks Leadership Award has been awarded since 2009. Dr. Horrocks was professor emeritus at the Dalhousie University School of Information Management and was highly recognized for his service and dedication to librarianship during his long career.
Information Institute employees have an established history of participation in the ALISE conference. This year, five members of the Institute staff made major contributions to this important conference within the library and information science community. Their contributions (names highlighted) include:
- Nicole D. Alemanne, Lauren H. Mandel, and Charles R. McClure; poster presentation “Designing and Implementing Broadband Needs Assessment Programs for Rural Anchor Institutions”, with presentation assistance from Amelia Gibson.
- Melissa P. Johnston and Lauren H. Mandel, poster; “Wayfinding in the School Library: Designing School Library Layouts for Student Users”.
- Nicole D. Alemanne, panel organizer and moderator; “Publish or Perish: The Doctoral Student's Guide to Creating Publishable Articles and Winning Posters”
- John Brobst, poster abstract, “Federal Health Care Web Sites: An Evaluation of Website Accessibility”
- Nicole D. Alemanne, Co-convener of the Doctoral Students Special Interest Group (SIG): Organized the ALISE Jean Tague Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Research Poster Competition with SIG co-convener Nicole Cooke of Rutgers University.
- Nicole D. Alemanne, elected to be convener of the Information Policy SIG for 2012.
The Information Institute takes pleasure in recognizing the outstanding professional service demonstrated by these individuals. Further information about these individuals and their research work is available on the Information Institute website at