Eppes lecture Tuesday Mar 20, 1:00 - 2:30, Louis Shores Building Room 006B
Dr. William E. Moen from Univ of North Texas will be giving an Eppes lecture Tuesday Mar 20, 1:00 - 2:30, Louis Shores Building Room 006B. The presentation is titled: The Library's Diminishing Market Share: Rethinking What We Do.
Dr. William Moen is an Associate Professor in the School of Library and Information Sciences, University of North Texas. He currently serves as the Interim Director of the Texas Center for Digital Knowledge. (see: http://www.txcdk.org/). His teaching and research focus on metadata, networked information organization and retrieval, digital repositories, and interoperability and technical standards. The U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services has awarded Dr. Moen National Leadership Grants to conduct research on interoperability and metadata utilization in the context of libraries. Dr. Moen was the recipient of the 2005 Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology.
A short abstract of his presentation is:
The evolving networked information environment has created a new competitive information marketplace in which libraries are one player among many. If the tools and services libraries offer capture a diminishing market share of information users, what will be our response? Recent studies that examine our traditional practices of cataloging and organizing information resources raise broader questions about what libraries should be doing. Opportunities abound, yet libraries and library and information science education must ask fundamental what and how questions in response to the changing information marketplace.