Libraries & Library Services

2009 Publications

  • Bertot, J. C., McClure, C. R., & Jaeger, P. T. (Eds.). (in press). Public libraries and the Internet: Roles, perspectives, and implications. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Gibson, A. N., Bertot, J. C., & McClure, C. R. (2009). Emerging role of public librarians as E-government providers. In R. H. Sprague, Jr. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2009.183
  • McClure, C. R., & Jaeger, P. T. (2009). Public libraries and Internet service roles: Measuring and maximizing Internet services. Chicago: American Library Association.
  • McClure, C. R., Ryan, J., Mandel, L. H., Brobst, J., Hinnant, C. C., Andrade, J., & Snead, J. T. (2009). Hurricane preparedness and response for Florida public libraries: Best practices and strategies. Florida Libraries, 52(1), 4-7. Retrieved from
  • McClure, C. R., Ryan, J., Mandel, L. H., Brobst, J., Hinnant, C. C., & Snead, J. T. (in press). Public libraries in hurricane preparedness and response. In J. C. Bertot, C. R. McClure, & P. T. Jaeger (Eds.), Public libraries and the Internet: Roles, perspectives, and implications. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Mon, L. M., Bishop, B. W., McClure, C. R., McGilvray, J., Most, L., Milas, T. P., & Snead, J. T. (in press). The geography of virtual questioning. Library Quarterly.

2008 Publications

  • Gibson, A. N., McClure, C. R., Bertot, J. C., McGilvray, J. A., & Andrade, J. C. (2008). Community leadership through public library E-government services. Florida Libraries, 51(1), 4-7. Retrieved from

2007 Publications


2006 Publications

  • Bertot, J. C. (2006). Outcomes-based evaluation in public libraries: From online instruction to practice. Library Quarterly, 76(2), 241-245. doi:10.1086/506578
  • Bertot, J. C., Snead, J. T., Jaeger, P. T., & McClure, C. R. (2006). Functionality, usability and accessibility: Iterative user-centered assessment strategies for digital libraries. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 7(1), 17-28. doi:10.1108/14678040610654828
  • Jaeger, P. T., Bertot, J. C., McClure, C. R., & Langa, L. A. (2006). The policy implications of Internet connectivity in public libraries. Government Information Quarterly, 23(1), 123-141. doi:10.1016/j.giq.2005.10.002
  • Jaeger, P. T., Langa, L. A., McClure C. R., & Bertot, J. C. (2006). The 2004 and 2005 Gulf Coast hurricanes: Evolving roles and lessons learned for public libraries in disaster preparedness and community services. Public Library Quarterly, 25(3/4), 199-214. doi:10.1300/J118v25n03_17
  • Lankes, R. D., Gross, M., & McClure, C. R. (2006). Costing reference: Issues, approaches, and directions for research. The Reference Librarian, 46(95/96), 173-186. doi:10.1300/J120v46n95_11
  • Pomerantz, J., Luo, L., & McClure, C. R. (2006). Peer review of chat reference transcripts: Approaches and strategies. Library and Information Science Research, 28(1), 24-48. doi:10.1016/j.lisr.2005.11.004

2005 Publications

  • Bertot, J. C., McClure, C. R., & Jaeger, P. T. (2005). Libraries struggle to meet Internet demand: New study shows libraries need support to sustain technology services. American Libraries, 36(7), 78-79. Retrieved from
  • Snead, J. T., Bertot, J. C., Jaeger, P. T., & McClure, C. R. (2005). Developing multi-method, iterative, and user-centered evaluation strategies for digital libraries: Functionality, usability, and accessibility. In E. G. Toms (Ed.), ASIST 2005: Proceedings of the 68th ASIST Annual Meeting 42, 505-507. doi:10.1002/meet.14504201161

2004 Publications

  • Bertot, J. C. (2004). E-metrics and performance indicators: Availability and use. In J. C. Bertot & D. M. Davis (Eds.), Planning and evaluating library networked services and resources (pp. 95-186). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Bertot, J. C. (2004). Libraries and networked information services: Issues and considerations in measurement. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 5(1), 11-19. doi:10.1108/14678040410530340
  • Bertot, J. C. (2004). Libraries and networked information services: Issues and considerations in measurement. In S. Parker (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services (pp. 15-25). Durham, UK: University of Northumbria at Newcastle.
  • Bertot, J. C. (2004). Methods and tools for assessing network services and resources. In J. C. Bertot & D. M. Davis (Eds.), Planning and evaluating library networked services and resources (pp. 49-94). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Bertot, J. C. (2004). Network service and resource evaluation planning. In J. C. Bertot & D. M. Davis (Eds.), Planning and evaluating library networked services and resources (pp. 1-22). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Bertot, J. C., & Davis, D. M. (Eds.). (2004). Planning and evaluating library networked services and resources. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Bertot, J. C., & Snead, J. T. (2004). Selecting evaluation approaches for a networked environment. In J. C. Bertot & D. M. Davis (Eds.), Planning and evaluating library networked services and resources (pp. 23-48). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Bertot, J. C., & Snead, J. T. (2004). Social measurement in libraries. In K. Kempf-Leonard (Ed.), Encyclopedia of social measurement (pp.487-495). San Diego, CA: Academic.
  • Davis, D. M. & Bertot, J. C. (2004). Policies to ensure use of and access to network-based services and resources. In J. C. Bertot & D. M. Davis (Eds.), Planning and evaluating library networked services and resources (pp. 241-262). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Jaeger, P. T., Bertot, J. C., & McClure, C. R. (2004). The effects of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) in public libraries and its implications for research: A statistical, policy, and legal analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(13), 1131-1139. doi:10.1002/asi.20072
  • Jaeger, P. T., McClure, C. R., Bertot, J. C., & Snead, J. T. (2004). The USA PATRIOT Act, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and information policy research in libraries: Issues, impacts, and questions for library researchers. Library Quarterly, 74(2), 99-121. doi:10.1086/382843
  • McClure, C. R. (2004). Challenges and strategies for evaluating networked information and services: Introduction. Library Quarterly, 74(4), 399-402. doi:10.1086/427411
  • McClure, C. R. (2004). Key issues, themes, and future directions for evaluating networked services. In J. C. Bertot & D. M. Davis (Eds.), Planning and evaluating library networked services and resources (pp. 333-348). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Moen, W. E., Oguz, F., & McClure, C. R. (2004). The challenges of non-standardized vendor usage data in a statewide metasearch environment: The Library of Texas experience. Library Quarterly, 74(4), 403-422. doi:10.1086/427412
  • Pomerantz, J., & McClure, C. R. (2004). Evaluation of a statewide collaborative chat-based reference service: Approaches and directions. In ASIST 2004: Proceedings of the 67th ASIST Annual Meeting 41, 102-109. doi:10.1002/meet.1450410112

2003 Publications

  • Bertot, J. C. (2003). An action plan for outcomes assessment in your library [Review of the book An action plan for outcomes assessment in your library, by P. Hernon & R. E. Dugan]. Library Quarterly, 73(3), 344-346. doi: 10.1086/603421
  • Bertot, J. C. (2003). An action plan for outcomes assessment in your library [Review of the book An action plan for outcomes assessment in your library, by P. Hernon & R. E. Dugan]. Public Library Quarterly, 21(4), 53-58. doi: 10.1300/J118v21n04_09
  • Bertot, J. C. (2003). Building a statewide digital public library: A case study.
    Public Library Quarterly, 21(2), 5-33. doi: 10.1300/J118v21n02_03
  • Gross, M., McClure, C. R., & Lankes, R. D. (2003). Assessing quality in digital reference services: An overview of key literature on digital reference. In R. D. Lankes, C. R. McClure, M. Gross, & J. Pomerantz (Eds.), Implementing digital reference services: Setting standards and making it real (pp. 171-183). New York: Neal Schuman.
  • Gross, M., McClure, C. R., & Lankes, R. D. (2003). Assessing quality in digital reference services: Preliminary findings. In R. D. Lankes, C. R. McClure, M. Gross, & J. Pomerantz (Eds.), Implementing digital reference services: Setting standards and making it real (pp. 185-194). New York: Neal Schuman.
  • Lankes, R. D., McClure, C. R., Gross, M., & Pomerantz, J. (Eds.). (2003). Implementing digital reference services: Setting standards and making it real. New York: Neal Schuman.

2002 Publications

  • Bertot, J. C., & McClure, C. R. (2002). Developing national data collection models for U.S. public library network statistics and performance measures: Findings, issues, and & recommendations. In J. Stein, M. Kyrillidou, & D. Davis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Library and Information Services (pp. 77-86). Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries.
  • Bertot, J. C., McClure, C. R., & Ryan, J. (2002). Study shows new funding sources crucial to technology services in public libraries. American Libraries, 33(3), 57-59. Retrieved from
  • Fenske, R. E., O’Connor, P., Coffman, S., McClure, C. R., & Sloan, B. (2002). Virtual reference: Evolution, evaluation, optimizing the link between providers and users. In E. G. Toms (Ed.), ASIST 2002: Proceedings of the 65th ASIST Annual Meeting 39, 505-507. doi:10.1002/meet.1450390185
  • Fraser, B. T., Nelson, T. W., & McClure, C. R. (2002). Describing the economic impacts and benefits of Florida public libraries: Findings and methodological applications for future work. Library and Information Science Research, 24(3), 211-233. doi:10.1016/S0740-8188(02)00123-8
  • McClure, C. R., & Tomasello, T. K. (2002). Public libraries and Internet public access models: Describing possible approaches. Public Library Quarterly, 21(3), 11-37. doi:10.1300/J118v21n03_03
  • Shim, W. J., McClure, C. R., & Bertot, J. C. (2002). Preliminary statistics and measures for ARL libraries to describe electronic resources and services. In J. Stein, M. Kyrillidou, & D. Davis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Library and Information Services (pp. 337-344). Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries.

2001 Publications

  • Bertot, J. C., McClure, C. R., & Ryan, J. (2001). Statistics and performance measures for public library networked services. Chicago: American Library Association.
  • Eisenberg, M. B., & McClure, C. R. (2001). Digital reference librarians: Who needs ’em? Or, key issues in virtual reference desk services: Taking action. In J. Stahl, & A. S. Kasowitz (Eds.), Facets of digital reference: Papers and presentations from the virtual reference desk, 2nd annual Digital Reference Conference, October 16-17, 2000, Seattle, WA. Syracuse, NY: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology.
  • Lankes, R. D., McClure, C. R., & Gross, M. (2001). Assessing quality in digital reference services. In E. Aversa & C. Manley (Eds.), ASIST 2001: Proceedings of the 64th ASIST Annual Meeting 38, 323-328. Retrieved from
  • McClure, C. R., Lankes, R. D., Gross, M., & Choltco-Devlin, B. (2001). Statistics, measures, and quality standards for assessing digital reference library services: Guidelines and procedures. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED472588)

2000 Publications

  • Bertot, J. C. (2000). Libraries on the information highway: Issues and lessons learned. In P. D. Fletcher & J. C. Bertot (Eds.), World libraries on the information superhighway: Preparing for the challenges of the new millennium (pp. 288-301). Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
  • Bertot, J. C. (2000). Universal service in the networked environment: The education rate (E-rate) debate. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 26(1), 45-48. doi:10.1016/S0099-1333(99)00122-6
  • Bertot, J. C., McClure, C. R., & Ryan, J. (2000). Developing national library network statistics and performance measures for U. S. public libraries: Issues, findings, and recommendations. Performance Measures and Metrics: The International Journal for Library and Information Services, 1(1), 15-42. Retrieved from
  • Bertot, J. C., Ostiguy, C., & McClure, C. R. (2000). Developing national library network statistics and performance measures: Issues, findings, and recommendations. In M. Khosrowpour (Ed.), Challenges of information technology management in the 21st century: 2000 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 21-24, 2000 (pp. 1154-1157). Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
  • Fletcher, P. D., & Bertot, J. C. (Eds.). (2000). World libraries on the information superhighway: Preparing for the challenges of the new millennium. Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
  • Ostiguy, C., & Bertot, J. C. (2000). Developing national library network statistics and performance measures: Measuring online database usage. In M. Khosrowpour (Ed.), Challenges of information technology management in the 21st century: 2000 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 21-24, 2000 (pp. 1158-159). Hershey, PA: Idea Group.