Guenther - Bio
Debra Guenther
Research Associate
Phone: (850) 645-2200
Information Institute
Florida State University
Room 010 Louis Shores Building
Debra Guenther joined the Information Institute in Fall 2011. She is a full-time graduate student pursuinga Master of Science degree in Information Studies and an additional Museum Studies certificate from Florida State University.
She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in History from Vanderbilt University in Nashville,TN and has previously worked for both the Jean and Alexander Heard Library at Vanderbilt University and the Vanderbilt Television News Archives.
She has extensive volunteer experience and is currently volunteering at the Museum of Florida History in Tallahassee, FL. In 2007, Debra served as a full-time Americorps*Vista volunteer where she worked as a Public Policy Advocate in Columbus, OH.
She has avid interests in museum education, museum informatics, information policy, e-government, and information outreach projects.