2008-2009 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access Launched September 2, 2008

The 2008-2009 National Public Library Funding and Technology Access Survey (PLFTAS) is now available to survey participants at http://www.plinternetsurvey.org. Funded by the American Library Association and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the survey explores the state of Internet connectivity in public libraries, the availability of public access Internet services and resources, the funding of information and Internet technologies, and issues encountered by public libraries associated with providing public access Internet and computer services.

This survey is a continuation of a long–term study conducted since 1994 by John Carlo Bertot and Charles R. McClure, Director of the Information Use Management and Policy Institute at Florida State University. Formerly Associate Director of the Information Institute, Bertot now serves as Director of the Center for Library Innovation at the University of Maryland College Park.

Public library directors across the United States will receive a print version of the survey that was mailed August 29, 2008. The survey will remain in the field until November 7, 2008. All public libraries are encouraged to participate in the study and complete the online survey online at http://www.plinternetsurvey.org.

Contact Carla Wright at cbw8533@fsu.edu or (850) 645-2197 for additional information regarding the survey.